03 December 2009

games we play.

i'm just getting tired of the same old game
no matter who with, it's always the same
let's talk real sweet and smile and blush
get a little bit high off the romantic rush
and then, instead of giving us a chance
you'll just disappear, without a backward glance
i guess i'm not even worth a goodbye
it's not just you. happens every time.
and i've done this before, so i know your next move
it may be months, but then i'll hear from you
you'll try to pick up right where you left me
wander back in like i'm just sitting around, waiting
i've played that game too, so don't make excuses
i'm not playing for keeps, and you all have your uses
but i'm honest about it, or at least i try
and besides, in the end, i'm the one left to cry.

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