04 June 2010

It's getting harder and harder to bite my tongue. Soon I'm going to have to say it.

Right now you're making me smile.
And the tears are fighting to spill over
like a river bursting through the dam that has held it back
too, too long.
Why not me?
I know why it wasn't me then.
I agree, entirely.
But now, now, now.
This is now.
I am the same, but different. The same good.
I lost the bad.
It was a painful process, like snipping off the blooms on a plant so that newer, brighter, bigger, better ones can grow.
And though I always told myself and everyone else that I was moving on, that I wasn't concerned with you anymore...
I knew all along, in my heart, you were it.
The one constant.
How many times have I come this close to saying it.

I love you.

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