01 March 2010

Here Comes The Sun (or, I Am Sick And Tired Of Winter)

the morning light soaks through my closed eyelids
it is warm, yellow, and gently persuasive
"wake up, wake up," it persists, "it's a new day."
slowly, deliberately, i oblige.
heavy eyelids raise and i'm dazzled by the brilliance
the light streams through the windowpane and dances around me
then settles on my skin in a loving embrace.
saturated in sunlight and full of summer oxygen
i rise languidly, stretch luxuriously,
feet on the ground, head in the clouds
and smile at the day to come.

I used to write things like this a lot, but I've kind of abandoned it. I forgot how enjoyable it is. Descriptive writing FTW :)

1 comment:

Kitty Deschanel said...

Don't you hate when you know you can and possibly should be writing, but you aren't? Keep it up! :)
